
When you purchase OS PDFIndexer from our site , you will receive an email contain download link to download the extension. Click on the link, you will download a file called . The zip file contains two file : (main component) and (the search plugin to search for indexed documents).

The extension can be installed like any other Joomla extensions . Click on Extensions => install/uninstall menu item, browse for the file , click upload to install the extension. After that, go to plugins management, search for Doc Indexer and publish this plugin.


First, you need to configure Documents indexer. There are some config parameters and they are explained below :

  •     Documents Path : That is the base path where your documents are stored (absolute path). Your documents then can be placed in different directories within this base path . For example, you can create doc to store word documents, pdf to store pdfs doducments......
  •     Allowed File Types : This is the file type of documents which you want to index. Don't change this config option, it is resevered for future released of documents indexer.


Indexing documents

  •     Create additional folders under the base folder
  •     Upload documents into the above folders .
  •     Click on New index button to index documents . In this screen, you need to enter folder where documents uploaded to, choose access permission. After that, wait for all the documents from that folder to be indexed.
  •     Do the same for all documents from other folders which you want to index.


Other tasks

  •     Edit document to udpate it's title,..... If you want to re-index this document, set re-index to Yes.
  •     Re-index new documents in a folder : Choose a folder from dropdown and click Index New documents button .
  •     Re-index all documents in a folder : Choose a folder from dropdown and click Re Index all documents button .